At least, I do not want to cover so much and be very shameless in front of who can crush me with one stroke, I mean the State. But yes, whatever I do, be it little or nothing, with this series of instructive pamphlets and helping through my thought and knowledge, I will try to leave a mark and a paw for life on this rotten regime that is already in the last moments of its life. lifetime. The agony will last as long as the Spanish people prefer it to last, if they want to keep it or not and if they endorse it every four years at the polls, what better way to admire a game by playing it, which denotes that it is the Spanish people who wants to maintain with his vote what with his mouth expresses indignation, I am talking about corruption and fraud, which comes from a pact in which the people were left out of the decisions of the moment and from a Charter wrongly called the constitution, and a state class that participates in a monarchy prepared and designed by the previous power of the dictator, a monarchy of parties, a regime that is sustained by the said Constitution of 78. That is why the intention of “The fall of the regime of 78 and the conquest of Collective Political Freedom ”is to pave the way of potholes and clear it of confusion and ignorance, and through the culture of political freedom and democracy to create public awareness, which is what concerns us all, to remove from Spanish society the indignation, which is meat for the state mincer, and a moral corruption for participating in a corrupt regime and that has been accumulating and spreading throughout these 42 years of state of parties, absurd corruption and unnecessary and so detrimental to your progress.
I want my pamphlets to reach not so many people, but to the one that reaches them, it is for the benefit and personal understanding to create and create moral and clean and clear thinking in the public sphere and for the preparation and approach of an irremediable socio-political change and a necessary period of Constituent Freedom where the Spanish people, and after a break with the currently established power, take the reins for the decision of the forms of state and government and the election of some deputies as Constituent Courts so that they write a true constitution that separates the legislative and executive powers and thus separate the Nation from the State as the situation is at this time.
I ask you, more than to get to fame, that I will have no choice if the situation requires it as far as the content that my work will have and what it refers to, your support and collaboration throughout Spain and other places. Also outside the Spanish borders, so that the message is discreet, pay attention to what I am saying, discreet, clean, simple and clear. I say discreet, not in a hidden way, but discreet with the same mischief that the political class wants us to believe that there is democracy in Spain, that is, telling us what we like to hear and always doing as if or it seems that … It is all in Spain, to pretend what one is not …, because my strategy to carry out this revolution and to approach this work will be with that discretion in attitude, with a constructive and formal desire, naturally like someone who talks about something. normal, because normal for me is that a revolution occurs given the two main reasons for it to exist, that there is no Political Freedom, with which there is no democracy and there is no control of power, and thus, as if nothing happened, Although everything is happening, explain and address terminology and concepts always collected from philosophy and political and social sciences and irrefutable demonstrable facts with all naturalness, always having as a religion to tell the truth, or at least point it out, to be able to r esolve and achieve what is intended is to get out of the mental confusion.
I ask you, more than to get to fame, that I will have no choice if the situation requires it as far as the content that my work will have and what it refers to, your support and collaboration throughout Spain and other places. Also outside the Spanish borders, so that the message is discreet, pay attention to what I am saying, discreet, clean, simple and clear. I say discreet, not in a hidden way, but discreet with the same mischief that the political class wants us to believe that there is democracy in Spain, that is, telling us what we like to hear and always doing as if or it seems that … It is all in Spain, to pretend what one is not …, because my strategy to carry out this revolution and to approach this work will be with that discretion in attitude, with a constructive and formal desire, naturally like someone who talks about something. normal, because normal for me is that a revolution occurs given the two main reasons for it to exist, that there is no Political Freedom, with which there is no democracy and there is no control of power, and thus, as if nothing happened, Although everything is happening, explain and address terminology and concepts always collected from philosophy and political and social sciences and irrefutable demonstrable facts with all naturalness, always having as a religion to tell the truth, or at least point it out, to be able to r esolve and achieve what is intended is to get out of the mental confusion.
Honestidad, valentía, y lealtad son los valores que el pueblo español necesita como soporte y sustento de este camino hacia el cambio social y político, y con la picardía del como sí y él parece que, y devolviendoles el pago con su propia moneda de la naturalidad de nuestro manifiesto y comunicado para transmitir así un parecer inofensivo, pero que al prender en las mentes y la conciencia en la vida sana y cotidiana de cualquier individuo, pueda ser un incendio en el seno del Estado de partidos.
I ask you, more than to get to fame, that I will have no choice if the situation requires it as far as the content that my work will have and what it refers to, your support and collaboration throughout Spain and other places. Also outside the Spanish borders, so that the message is discreet, pay attention to what I am saying, discreet, clean, simple and clear. I say discreet, not in a hidden way, but discreet with the same mischief that the political class wants us to believe that there is democracy in Spain, that is, telling us what we like to hear and always doing as if or it seems that … It is all in Spain, to pretend what one is not …, because my strategy to carry out this revolution and to approach this work will be with that discretion in attitude, with a constructive and formal desire, naturally like someone who talks about something. normal, because normal for me is that a revolution occurs given the two main reasons for it to exist, that there is no Political Freedom, with which there is no democracy and there is no control of power, and thus, as if nothing happened, Although everything is happening, explain and address terminology and concepts always collected from philosophy and political and social sciences and irrefutable demonstrable facts with all naturalness, always having as a religion to tell the truth, or at least point it out, to be able to r esolve and achieve what is intended is to get out of the mental confusion.
Political freedom stolen by the political parties upon the death of the dictator, to impose a state of parties and seize the power inherited from the dictator, leaving the Spanish Nation out of the game and from any possibility of decision and election in the political field . A spark of knowledge and intellectual clarity will ignite the dry field of moral and mental corruption that accumulates the Spanish people after 42 years of the party regime crushed by the ideology of social democracy, which has withdrawn from all criteria to individuals, turning anything into opinion, relativism and subjectivism, making individual skepticism the enemy of the truth, and which has left the brains of Spaniards in a state of sedation, without the capacity for their own argument or response to the abuse and misuse of power.
It is possible, it is real and it can be done, anyone who denies or makes fun of thinking that Freedom and revolution are possible, that is, change, is contributing to the never having democracy, is being an accomplice of the crimes of corruption of the State of parties, is helping the Spanish people never decide or choose anything. I therefore consider that any type of denial or confusion regarding a change or revolution is directly condemned and denounced by me in relation to what is corrupt and fraudulent. Any people, no matter how young or old, can and have the ability to walk freely and mature politically and socially, it is possible and it is not utopian, the utopian is to continue in the line of tyranny and abuse of state power of matches.
HR Antonio, January 2, 2021.